Dress Code

  • Please dress for success and learning!

    We want every child at Bishop to come to school and experience success each day.  Being healthy and clean, and dressing appropriately for school allow students to focus on learning.  Our dress code should be followed by all students.  Please take a moment to read these items carefully, and discuss them with your child. 

    • Jewelry, sunglasses, or other accessories may not be worn at P.E., Recess, or other physical activities.
    • No caps or hats may be worn inside any school buildings.
    • Shoes must be worn at all times.  Thongs, slides, and open-toed shoes should not be worn for safety reasons, and are not allowed in Physical Education classes. 
    • Heelys or shoes with rollers or wheels are not permitted on campus.
    • Skirts, dresses, and shorts must all reach mid-thigh or longer.  Holes in jeans must be no higher than the mid-thing.
    • Shirts or other tops must cover the midriff (stomach) and back for boys and girls.  (No halter tops, spaghetti straps, or low-cut shirts)
    • Pants, shorts, etc. must not "sag" below the hips, or expose underwear. (Holes in pants cannot be above the mid-thigh.)
    • Clothing with bad language, obscene pictures, alcohol or tobacco products, or violent symbols may not be worn.
    • Students may not wear or bring makeup to school, including perfume.

    Please note:  Students who come to school wearing inappropriate clothing will call home and have a parent bring them appropriate clothing. Students who repeatedly wear clothing that is inappropriate will meet with the principal and their family to discuss the next steps.