Parent/Student Compact

  • Part of the success of San Miguel School lies heavily on the involvement of parents like you!   Sunnyvale School District and San Miguel School believe that the commitment we make to each other for the success of students can only produce even more success. We are committed to working together with each of us doing our best.  Please join us in making the commitment.

    As San Miguel parents, we agree to support our child(ren)'s learning in the following ways:

    • Send my child(ren) to school each day, on time, and in San Miguel uniform. 
    • Provide quiet study time, encourage good study habits, and ensure homework is completed daily.
    • Volunteer for and/or support my child's classroom and school activities. 
    • Talk with my child about his or her activities every day.
    • Read all notices from the school or district and respond as appropriate.
    • Know how my child is progressing by attending conferences, reviewing schoolwork, talking to the teacher and sharing in decisions related to my child's education.
    • Support the San Miguel School rules that are contained in the Parent's Handbook.
    • Promote healthy lifestyles by providing healthy snacks at home and school and encouraging physical activities after school. 
    • Limit and monitor the amount of television my child(ren) watches.

    As a San Miguel student, I pledge to:

    • Be at school on time each day in San Miguel uniform.
    • Work as hard as I can on my school assignments.
    • Tell my parents what I am learning in school and bring home all notices received from school.
    • Ask my teacher for help when I don't understand something.
    • Follow school rules and be a PeaceBuilder.
    • Read at least 30 minutes every day outside of school.
    • Do my homework every day.