Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
In the past, school-wide discipline focused mainly on reacting to specific student misbehavior by using punishment-based strategies: reprimands, loss of privileges, office referrals, suspensions, and expulsions. Teaching behavioral expectations, and rewarding students for following them, is a much more positive approach to managing behavior than waiting for misbehavior to happen and responding reactively. It is an important part of a child’s educational experience to introduce, model, practice, and reinforce positive social behaviors. This is also true for interactions in the home and community. The purpose of school-wide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.
Try PBIS at Home - "Shark Pride"
You can support our school efforts by talking to your child about the three school expectations:
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Caring and Responsible and reinforcing them at home in positive ways. Decide what daily routines on which you would like to focus. Next, work together as a family to develop your own behavioral expectation chart. Remember to keep the bullet items short and clear, and use positive language to describe the behavior you would like to see. The chart below is an example of one home routine:Routine Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Morning Routine -Eat a healthy breakfast.-Eat carefully.-Brush your teeth after eating.-Use “Please” and “Thank you”.-Clean up your dishes yourself. Our Shark Pride ChantLeader: "We have shark pride"Response: "We have shark pride"Leader: "San Miguel shark pride"Response: "San Miguel shark pride"Leader: "When we're at school"Response: "When we're at school"Leader: "We follow these rules"Response: "We follow these rules"Leader: "Be safe"Response: "Be safe"Leader: "Be responsible"Response: "Be responsible"Leader: "Be caring and respectful"Response: "Be caring and respectful"Leader: "These are our rules"Response: "These are our rules"All together: "San Miguel has shark pride!"