- Sunnyvale Middle School
- Counseling
Individual, Couple, and Family Counseling
Another way we meet the social-emotional needs of our students is to provide school-based counseling. Students who participate in counseling services meet with a Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC) counseling intern one or two times per week.
Students can also benefit by participating in the following small group.
TWEEN TALK - Middle School
This engaging and interactive group teaches middle school (6-8th grade) students social and emotional coping skills. Tween Talk provides a crucial platform for the transition from elementary to middle school and provides a safe space and time to externalize anxieties about going to middle school, normalize the fear of change, and dispel myths about middle school.
If you feel your child could benefit from any of these services, please discuss this possibility with your child’s classroom teacher.
The Community Health Awareness Council exists to provide alternatives to self-destructive behavior and to help create healthy lives for the children and families of Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and the surrounding communities.