Welcome to Our Classrooms

  • Fairwood teachers collaborate frequently during Teacher Learning Days, Staff Development Days, and grade-level meetings to design instructional experiences that will engage, motivate, and support student learning.  During instruction, teachers use various instructional strategies to support the learning needs of all students.   Through Project Cornerstone and PBIS, teachers also support the social/emotional needs of our students.
     Classroom Teachers and Staff    
    Lindsay Jacobson
    Keily Morales
     Julia Salvador 
    First Grade
    Jamie Joyce
     Daisy Lopez
    Second Grade
    Molly Byrne
    Elizabeth Hernandez
    Lisa Hodson
    Third Grade
    Cicely Foeger
    Jake Emmett
    Anna Thomas
    Fourth Grade 
    Melody Cuneo
    Elizabeth Lennie

    Fifth Grade
     Joe Gabent
    Yaelle Levine 
    Fourth/Fifth PE
    Nick Ramsden 
    Special Day Class
    Anna George 
    Resource Specialist
    Deirdre Collier 
    Drama Teacher
    Emily Wooten
    Instructional Coach 
    Sharon Stephanou

    Music Teacher

    Christell Paras

    Independent Study
    Jonathan Lebowitz