
  • Through hands-on instruction, inquiry-based learning, parent participation, and active involvement in our community, Fairwood Explorer Elementary fosters the development of intellectually curious, self-confident critical thinkers who are socially aware and academically prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

    We are committed to creating:

    • An educational environment with high academic standards and expectations that foster creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and a lifelong love of learning.
    • A racially, ethnically, economically, and culturally diverse student body.
    • Programs that cultivate thinking that is original, critical, and reflective; that present material in a hands-on, experiential manner to allow students to learn through discovery; and that utilize individualized, small-group instruction to address differing learning styles.
    • A curriculum that gives equal weight to the academic, social, emotional, and creative growth of each child and that values cross-curricular learning.
    • An environment that is respectful celebrates diversity and teaches children how to be effective, responsible leaders in their community.
    • An environment that fosters self-motivated, self-disciplined, and socially responsible students.
    • Collaboration among staff, parents students, and the community.

    To learn more about The Explorer Model, please call 408-523-4870.  


  • Fairwood Explorer Elementary is committed to reaching and teaching the whole child. Explorer classrooms use hands-on, small-group instruction, and inquiry-based learning to increase student understanding and achieve student success. Material is presented in an experiential, hands-on manner that allows students to gain knowledge through research and guided discovery. We strive to achieve our mission through strong collaboration between teachers and parents. Our goal is to have every family actively supporting our mission through regular classroom volunteering and active participation on school-wide teams.