- Cherry Chase Elementary School
- Curriculum
Stimac, Carla
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California Department of Education
Curriculum and Instructions
Common Core Standards (listed by subject area and then grade)
Language Arts
MacMillan/McGraw-Hill California Treasures
Each Week/Lessons
- Spelling
- Vocabulary/Word Study
- Reading Comprehension
- Connections to selection
- Grammar
- Reading Fluency
- Writing
- Workshop
Treasures Units
- Let’s Learn
- Neighborhoods and Communities
- Express Yourself
- Our Teams
- Those Amazing Animals
- Storytellers
- Treasures, Write Source, and Traits of Writing
- Narrative, Opinion Pieces, and Informative Pieces
- Ideas, Organization, Voice, Sentence Fluency, Word Choice, Conventions, and Presentation
Cursive Handwriting
- Students will learn and practice cursive handwriting, and will be expected to write in cursive on certain assignments.
California Math Expressions Common Core
Math Units
- Multiplication and Division with 0-5, 9, and 10
- Multiplication and Division with 6s, 7s, 8s and
Multiply with Multipless of 10
- Measurement, Time, and Graphs
- Multidigit Addition and Subtraction
- Write Equations to Solve Word Problems
- Polygons, Perimeter, and Area
- Explore Fractions
Social Studies
Harcourt Reflections
Entire textbook is online, multiple extra options on website (allows for students to not have to take the textbook home)
Social Studies Units
- Our Geography
- American Indians
- Community History
- Government and Citizenship
- Standing United
- Understanding Economics
Scott Foresman
Physical Science
- Energy
- Light
- Matter
Life Science
- Living in Different Environments
- Living Things in a World of Change
Earth Science
- Objects in Space
- Patterns in the Sky