- Sunnyvale School District
- Measure C
Measure C Fact Sheet
On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 70.01% of voters in the Sunnyvale School District passed Measure C, a $214 million school bond. Measure C will provide funds to renovate older schools, improve instructional technology, and increase campus safety and security at schools in the District. The average yearly cost to property owners in the Sunnyvale School District will be $15 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (not market value).
Measure C funds will be used to continue the renovation and modernization of all district schools, providing students and teachers with comparable classrooms and facilities. The bond will help provide schools with long-term capital facility maintenance funds.
Measure C will:
- Fix or replace leaky roofs and windows
- Improve accessibility for students with disabilities
- Expand counseling facilities to support the mental health of students
- Update classrooms, science labs, and technology to meet current instructional standards
- Upgrade and improve school safety and security
- Modernize Sunnyvale Middle School
Measure C aligns with the Facilities Master Plan, a comprehensive facilities analysis conducted in 2021 with considerable community input. The Facilities Master Plan focuses on coordinating the district’s educational goals with the proposed facility improvements included in Measure C.
Measure C provides for strict accountability as bond funds are spent. The School Board adopted a specific project list when calling this election. In addition, an Independent Citizens Bond Oversight Committee will monitor and review all bond expenditures. This committee of local residents will be tasked with ensuring that all bond funds are spent as planned for the benefit of local students.
None of the money will be used for school administrator or teacher salaries. All of the money generated by Measure C will pay for school construction projects.
Construction costs cannot be paid for by lottery funds. State law (Government Code Section 8880.5) forbids the use of lottery funds for school construction.