IntraDistrict Transfers

  • The IntraDistrict Transfer process applies to parents who would like their students to attend a school within the Sunnyvale School District other than their home school. All IntraDistrict requests are initiated at the Sunnyvale School District and must be renewed annually since IntraDistrict transfers are valid for one (1) school year. An approved IntraDistrict Transfer agreement must be in effect between the student's home school and the school of choice before a student can attend the desired school. Accepting Intra's only for San Miguel Juntos & Fairwood Explore Elemantry School.

    IntraDistrict Transfer Process

    Requests for the 2025-2026 school year will be received starting February 24th, 2025 and will be processed late May 2025. Parent(s)/guardian(s) must complete an IntraDistrict Transfer Request form at the Sunnyvale School District Office (819 W Iowa Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM). The documents required are:

    1. Parent/Guardian Photo Identification

    2. Four (4) proofs of residency (two of which must be the lease/mortgage and a utility bill; all proofs must be from the last 30 days). See the complete list of required documents here.

    The District Office is not able to provide the status of a pending request. All updates will be communicated via email once a decision has been made.

    IntraDistrict Transfer Conditions


    Limited transfers are usually applied for when a student wishes to complete the school year at the school where they were administratively placed (over-loaded) at the time of registration, or a student moved midyear and wishes to remain in a school that is no longer in their attendance area.

    If the requested school is offered as a school of choice, future transfer requests must be made through the Open Enrollment lottery process during the month of February for the next school year.


    If granted, this permit will be valid for no longer than one (1) school year. IntraDistrict transfers do not extend into the next school year; students will be returned to their resident school at the end of the current school year. This permit will remain in force only as long as the pupil's attendance and behavior are satisfactory to the requested school.


    Only students who were previously given bus transportation as overloads may continue to ride the bus as long as there are extra seats; otherwise, parents are responsible for the transportation.