- Sunnyvale School District
- New Student Registration
- Registration FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Steps to take to place my student at a different school that is not my home school
Posted by:Requesting a different school within our Sunnyvale School District:
- Submit your new student's registration with their home school.
- Apply for Open Enrollment (only available Feb. 3rd-14th).
- If the Open Enrollment window has closed, apply for an intra-district transfer (click for more information)
Requesting school outside of Sunnyvale School District:
- Read through our inter-district transfer page
- Visit Sunnyvale School District Office with required documents
- Apply for "inter-district" transfer request
Steps to take if my child should be placed in a different grade rather than their age-assigned grade
Posted by:Grade advancement:
- Submit registration with the grade the student belongs to.
- Contact the school to advise of grade completion.
- The school will then start the review process.
Grade retention:
- Submit registration with the grade the student belongs to.
- Contact the school to advise of grade retention.
- The school will then start the review process.
Can my student get the Tuberculosis Test (TB) done after we complete enrollment?
Posted by:No, this must be completed at the time of enrolling your student.
What if I don’t fulfill all the requirements for Proofs of Residency for Registration?
Posted by:To complete your students' registration, all required proofs of residency must be submitted. If parents/guardians do not have both the lease and utilities in their name, then an Affidavit of Residency is required.
Where can I find board policies and administrative regulations on Attendance?
Posted by:Attendance Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Regulations (AR) can be found online at:
The policies for attendance are listed under the "5000- Students" category of documents.