- Sunnyvale School District
- Teaching and Learning Department
- Assessment
- Standards Based Grading
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Standards Based Grading
As more research has been conducted on how students learn, there has been a major shift in how schools view assessments and grading. In the past, the purpose of grading was to rank students for placement in an industrial workforce. With the advent of the Informational Age, the role of schools has evolved. One of the primary roles of K-12 education now is preparation for college and/ or careers that require a wide range of skills.
The adoption of the California Common Core State Standards (CCCSS) in 2010 provided educators and parents with a clear, consistent understanding of what students are expected to learn in each grade level. As a result, the Sunnyvale School District has fully implemented Standards-Based grading in grades K-8. In doing so, we have made a commitment to provide a completely aligned standards-based instructional program to students, and our approach has shifted from ranking and sorting students to having high standards for all students.
With the adoption of the Common Core State Standards, it has become especially critical that we have a laser-like focus on student proficiency and achievement in order to provide students with increased learning and appropriate intervention and support. Unlike the "one size fits all" traditional grading system, a standards-based system allows us to specifically determine areas of student growth and student need.
Sunnyvale School District's grade book and report card are fully aligned with the Common Core State Standards, and our online grade book allows middle school parents to view students' progress through the Parent Portal at any time.
With one K-8 system for reporting progress, and with a standards-based system that links standards, instruction, and assessment to reporting, we know we can continue the upward trajectory of student achievement in our district.
Sunnyvale School District Grading Scale
4 Standard Met
Student demonstrates an understanding of the ideas and processes that were explicitly taught and practiced during class. There may still be some errors or omissions that do not interfere with the key concept.
3 Standard Nearly Met
Student demonstrates basic understanding of the ideas and processes that were explicitly taught and practiced during class, but still lacks some key conceptual understanding. There are still some errors or omissions when demonstrating key concepts of the content.
2 Standard Partially Met
Student is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of the simple ideas and processes that were explicitly taught and practiced during class. However, the student demonstrates significant conceptual erros that impede their understanding of key concepts.
1 Standard Not Met
Student demonstrates limited understanding of the basic ideas and/or has difficulty retaining the ideas and processes that were explicitly taught and practiced during class. There are consistent errors or omissions when identifying the key concepts of the content.
Parent Guides to the Report Card in English
Guías Para Padres a las Cartas de Calificaciones